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Placing an order

Metcase is a division of OKW Enclosures, Inc.
You can place your order by email, phone, mail or by using the basket form.

Abele Business Park,
3000 Old Pond Road,
Bridgeville, PA 15017

Toll free: (800) 965-9872
Phone: (412) 220-9244

Need a price or sample?

Using the basket for quotations and samples

Add products to the basket to compare different models, download the basket as a pdf and request a quotation or a sample. You can also upload your own pictures, sketches and drawings in order to request a quotation for customizing. The basket form can also be used to order items. Alternatively, you can obtain a quotation or sample by calling our sales team on 0800 965 9872 or email.

Please note: Samples are supplied on a sale-or-return basis and for 1 piece only.

Add to basket

Use these buttons to add an item to your basket.

Return to basket

Click on this button to return to your basket. Tick indicates you have items in your basket.

Minimum Order Value/Quantities

  • There is no minimum order value
  • There is no minimum order quantity for enclosures and enclosures accessories.

Delivery Charges

All orders will be shipped by UPS Ground with the charges being prepaid and added to your invoice. If you require a different service, please indicate this clearly on your purchase order.

Payment Terms

Proforma Accounts
For new and occasional customers we can issue proforma invoices. Orders are processed once payment is received.

30 Day Credit Account
For regular customers we are very happy to offer a 30 day credit account. To set up your account please call our sales team on 800 965 9872 or send us an email with your company information and contact details.

We accept credit cards

Credit Card Payment
We accept payment by VISA, Mastercard and AMEX

Typical Delivery Times

7 - 14 days for standard products only, subject to stock availability. From receipt of order, and payment of proforma if applicable. For orders including machining and other customising services, the estimated delivery time will be acknowledged at time of ordering.