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How Soon Will I Get My Bespoke Aluminum Enclosure?

Customized enclosures are almost always quicker to manufacture than bespoke housings. But that doesn’t mean you’re in for a long wait. You’d be surprised how quickly our engineers can turn ideas into designs and prototypes for your approval.

They can design your unique enclosure in a few weeks – and manufacture it in a further four to six weeks (depending upon its complexity). The key to a rapid completion is having your component layout finalized. This is why it pays to get advice from our engineers as early as possible.

We always say that you should specify the enclosure before you specify the PCB size. This may sound counterintuitive but there are good reasons for it:

  • the enclosure will help you to determine the final layout of your components
  • you’re more likely to specify a smaller enclosure (resulting in savings) if you aim to fit your electronics into a pre-defined space.

That second point is particularly important when it comes to specifying a bespoke enclosure (rather than a standard housing). It can be all too easy to keep increasing the dimensions of a housing that’s still to be finalized. After all, the enclosure is bespoke; it can be any size you want. But instead you should review your board layout to see how it could be made smaller. It’s the harder way to solve the challenge but it’s more rewarding: it will save you money.

At first glance, this may look like a chicken and egg situation: ‘I need to specify the enclosure before the PCB…but the enclosure doesn’t exist yet because it’s not a standard model.’

Don’t worry. You can still work to a ‘target space’, based on drawings, 3D models and advice from our experienced engineers. With all their years in enclosure design, they can guide you to the best solution for your requirements and help you to overcome any design challenges.